So let’s forget the technical explanation. For some reason, the initials RSS scare off many small business owners and others who would greatly benefit from using an RSS reader app. I’ve been trying to answer this question for almost two decades. I agree with Gizmodo: “RSS is far better for following the flow of news than any alternative source, including and especially social media…It is faster, more efficient, and you won’t have to worry as much about accidentally leaking your news reading habits to all your Facebook friends.” What is RSS? It was via an RSS feed from Gizmodo that I was reminded how dependent I am on RSS to keep up with the various types of news and information important to my work (and play). Even better, the newsreaders available in 2017 are greatly improved over what Google Reader was for catching and organizing content flowing through the internet via RSS. Google Reader may be gone, but each day and night, tens of millions of articles, blog posts, podcasts, photos, etc., still flow into RSS reader apps and podcast players. However, that would be like believing electricity dies when you turn off the lights. If you were ever a user of the now defunct Google Reader, you may believe that the end of Google Reader meant the end of RSS ( Really Simple Syndication).

IRS Tip: How Small Business Owners Can Deduct Their Home Office From Their Taxes | 2022.

The SBA’s National Small Business Week is May 1-7, 2022.